Office: 1(877)411-LIEN(5436) / Fax: 1(951)905-5590 / Email:

Auto Lien Sale Service
CA DMV Title & Registration
Finance / Banking Industry
Title Management
High-Level Dealer Consulting
Nationwide Titling
Auto Lien Sale in California.


Professional Auto Lien & Vehicle Registration Consulting Service

LIENWORKS, INC. specializes in resolving all vehicle (cars, trucks, trailers, motorcycles, boats, etc.) title issues. Our title processing service is compliant with CA DMV regulations and procedures. We prepare all legal transfer documents for submission to California Dept. of Motor Vehicles. Our clients include: Automotive Financial Institutions, Car Dealerships, Auto Auctions, Tow Yards, Self-Storage Facilities, Boat/Marine Companies, Repair Shops, Motorsports Dealers and RV Parks. If the title is absent, our Professional Lien Sale Legal Team will prepare, process, and, if applicable, conduct a lien sale for the transfer of ownership or prepare the Diligent Effort process on your behalf. We are also staffed with licensed Vehicle Vin Verifiers to ensure completion of all CA DMV Title requirements. Our Notary Public Services are available for Duplicate Title, Lost or Replacement Title applications as well as for Title Acquisition.

LIENWORKS is a Full-Service, High Volume – Professional Lien Sale and Vehicle Registration Processing Company. With over 20 years of managing vehicle documentation, we stay up-to-date with the constant changes within DMV law. Our track record will ensure you obtain your title.

Lien Sale Request Form
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NOTE: CA DMV Lien Sales are only allowed for Repair Shops with REPAIR LICENSE#'s, Storage Facilities, and Towing Facilities. ALL OTHERS: Please refer to our Title Acquisition Service.

Customer Information


Vehicle Information

The date must be within 30 days or the lien is invalid.
DMV Record Only
Total Value

Add additional Liens in each column below.

(Required for ALL Shops)
Customer (who brought in vehicle)
2 Customer (who brought in vehicle)
2 Lien
2 Value
2 DMV Record Only
3 Customer (who brought in vehicle)
3 Lien
3 Value
3 DMV Record Only
4 Customer (who brought in vehicle)
4 Lien
4 Value
4 DMV Record Only
5 Customer (who brought in vehicle)
5 Lien
5 Value
5 DMV Record Only
I agree to these Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions: I, the undersigned, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that I am the authorized agent for the referenced business and have supplied LienWorks Inc., with the names and addresses of any and all parties known by me to have an interest in the above-mentioned vehicles, any parties that have authorized storage and repair, as well as performed the proper due diligence in valuing all vehicles listed on this form or have emailed correspondence to I also understand that this auto lien is being processed based upon the information herein; according to CA CIVIL CODE-C18.015 Liens (Civil Code §§3068 through 3074) and agree to indemnify and hold harmless LienWorks, Inc., from any legal action arising out of the processing of this lien, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, and judgements. DISCLAIMER: DUE TO DMV INDUSTRY POLICY; DMV FEE ESTIMATES PAID, ARE APPLIED AS CREDIT, & ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

I understand, my LIEN/LIENS will NOT be processed without ALL applicable Vehicle Information provided!

By pressing the "Lien It!" button, I am acknowledging that I have read and understand all the terms and conditions and have reviewed the following Lien Sale Civil Codes.

Do you understand these terms & conditions?
Title Acquisition Form | Diligent Effort
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

NOTE: Private Parties, Auctions, Recovery Services, Transport Companies can submit for lost title or no title processing below.

Customer Information


Vehicle Information

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Terms & Conditions: I, the undersigned, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that I am the authorized person for the referenced vehicle and have supplied LienWorks Inc., with the names and addresses of any and all parties known by me to have an interest in the above-mentioned vehicles, any parties that have authorized storage and release, as well as performed the proper due diligence in valuing all vehicles listed on this form or have emailed correspondence to I also understand that this Diligent Effort is being processed based upon the information herein, according to and agree to indemnify and hold harmless LienWorks, Inc., from any legal action arising out of the processing of this lien, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, and judgments. The California Department of Motor Vehicles holds exclusive authority over the printing and mailing of all California titles at their discretion. DISCLAIMER: DUE TO DMV INDUSTRY POLICY; DMV FEE ESTIMATES PAID, ARE APPLIED AS CREDIT, & ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

Do you understand these terms & conditions?
I agree to these Terms & Conditions

Office: 1(877)411-LIEN(5436) / Fax: 1(951)905-5590 / Email:

Auto Lien Sale in California.